
BUFFALO, NY The Buffalo News recently ran this editorial on Px20 and its efforts to address the problem of underage drinking in our community. Except from the article below:
Updated: July 26, 2011, 11:37 AM
A recent Buffalo News editorial suggested that immediate action was needed by community members to educate youth about the risks of alcohol consumption. Fortunately, efforts to address this concern have already begun in Erie County.
A collaborative of Erie County substance abuse prevention service providers was formed as the result of a planning process implemented by the Erie County Department of Mental Health. The collaborative is referred to as Px20 (“Px” for prevention, and “20” as the base number of the 21st century) and has several ongoing initiatives targeting the prevention and reduction of youth alcohol consumption. Membership includes the Erie County Department of Mental Health, Erie County Sheriff’s Department, Buffalo State College’s Center for Health and Social Research, and several local substance abuse prevention agencies (see )…
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